If you play it long enough, people will start to pass out. In this version, there are no winners or losers. So either way, someone will have to drink! Then the next player starts a new round, again beginning with “Never have I ever…”. But if no one has done it, the player who read the statement has to drink. One player reads a statement and whoever has done it has to drink. Never Have I Ever as a Drinking GameĪ popular way to play “Never Have I Ever” is as a drinking game. This game is also referred to as “I’ve Never”, “Nevermind”, or “Have You Ever”. Other versions of the game represent points by eating gross foods or taking a shot if you’re playing “Never Have I Ever” as a drinking game. Usually, if it’s a really funny or weird statement, the person who has done it has to tell a short story about what happened. Whoever answers with “I have” gains one point. The classic variant is the most basic and the most common way to play “Never Have I Ever.” Gather everyone, and read the first statement, beginning with: “Never have I ever…” followed by something you have not done.įor example: Never have I ever been kicked out of a bar. Here are the rules for the classic party game Never Have I Ever…: The Classic Rules

Each turn presents private or intimate questions that start with “Never Have I Ever…” Never Have I Ever Online Rules However, this one only involves truth questions. It’s often played at parties and among friends, and is similar to the world-famous party game Truth or Dare. This is the online version of the famous drinking game Never Have I Ever. Never Have I Ever… The Online Party Game (18+)